~Yearned to Skirts, captured by Lingerie, melted in Dresses, and Feminized... stories of Boys♂❤~ ~スカートに恋焦がれ、ランジェリーに魅せられ、ドレスにとろかされ、女子化された… 男のコ♂たちの物語❤~ *This is a pornographic website❤ ※ココはアダルトサイトです❤
The English version, the original, is Here.
Author:HiroAPrincess Name:裕亜姫 (Hiro A Princess)Gender:MaleBut... I wear Skirts, Brassieres and Panties❤When I was a 9 years old Boy...I wore my mom's Skirt for the first time❤It was beginning of my feminization❤